Teeth grinding is relatively common, and most of us will probably find ourselves clenching our teeth every so often. It becomes more for problem if it becomes a habit and develops into a condition called bruxism. Bruxism can often develop as a result of stress and anxiety, but it is something that is often overlooked as it tends to occur while we are asleep. Many people are simply unaware they have this condition until they develop unpleasant symptoms, or are told they are making a noise in their sleep by their partner.

It is a very destructive condition that can affect the teeth and gums, the muscles in the face, and even the joints responsible for moving the lower jaw. Common symptoms of bruxism include:

  • Waking up with a persistent headache
  • Frequently having a sore jaw
  • Noticing your teeth look chipped or cracked
  • Your teeth may look shorter than before as they can become worn down by the constant grinding
  • Your gums may begin to recede due to the pressure on your teeth

If you think you might be grinding then it’s important to make an appointment to speak to Dr Rik Trivedi or another dentist in Kent. He will be able to examine your teeth and jaw, and will be able to diagnose this problem. It’s important to seek help as otherwise your teeth may be completely destroyed and will eventually become loose. This condition can also cause inflammation in the temporomandibular joint which is the joint responsible for moving your jaw. In addition if you are considering having dental implants in Kent, you will be unable to do so until this condition is resolved as it could lead to their failure.

Getting Treatment for Bruxism

It’s quite likely your dentist will fit you with a mouth guard to wear during the night and this will help to protect your teeth and gums. The mouthguard will put your jaw into a more relaxed position, and hopefully this will be enough to break the habit. It could be that you’ll only need to wear the mouthguard for a few weeks, but other people may need to wear it for longer periods of time. If you think the condition is being caused by stress, then it’s important to take action to alleviate this to prevent the bruxism from reoccurring.

If you are concerned about your teeth, or are simply overdue for a check-up then why not give us a call to book an appointment on 01474 537191. Alternatively you’ll find lots of useful information about oral health on our website at www.parrockdental.co.uk.