Do you currently struggle with dentures that move around or which constantly slip out of place? If so have you considered using dental implants to hold your denture securely in position?

This called an implant supported denture, and is a denture that is supported and held in place by dental implants, as opposed to an ordinary denture that rests directly on the gum tissue. It can be used to replace an entire arch of teeth, usually the lower arch. The reason for this is because most people have problems with retaining their lower denture due to bone reabsorption.

This is far less of a problem for an upper denture, as the palate is covered by the denture, making retention much more successful. However it is possible to have an implant supported denture to replace a full upper arch of teeth, although it is likely that this will require a larger number of dental implants to hold it in position. There are two different types of implant-supported dentures which are:

Ball-Retained Dentures

This implant retained denture uses a ball and socket attachment, as each implant is fitted with a ball shaped attachment (male attachment) that fits into a socket shaped attachment in the denture (the female attachment).

Bar-Retained Dentures

This denture utilises a metal bar that is shaped to match the arch of your jawbone. The bar is attached to the dental implants that have been surgically placed in the jaw, and is fitted with attachments that clip onto the denture, holding it securely in place.

Make an Appointment with Dr Rik Trivedi for an Initial Consultation

If you are interested in finding out more about implant supported dentures then you need to book a consultation with Dr Rik Trivedi. This is to see whether or not this treatment would be beneficial for your situation, and if you are suitable for dental implants in Kent. It’s not for everyone, and you do need to be in good general health. Age is not a barrier, and many older people successfully wear an implant retained denture.

The actual procedure usually takes a while to complete, and the planning stage is absolutely essential. We’ll need to take x-rays and a CT scan in order to determine if you have sufficient bone density, and to make sure the implants are placed in the optimum position for longevity and stability. Most implant systems need to be left in place for several months after surgery in order for the implants to integrate with the surrounding bone. However some, such as the All-on-4 system can be loaded relatively quickly due to the way the implants are angled.

Fed up with struggling with your dentures? Help is only a phone call away, and you can call our dentist in Kent on 01474 537191.